ویکی راس
نام: ویکی
نام خانوادگی: راس
ایمیل: info@vickyross.com
وب سایت: http://vickyross.com/

I have a gift for teaching, healing and helping people to understand themselves better.  All my life I have passionately created business and personal development programmes that enable my clients to experience breath-taking transformational change, leaving them feeling inspired, awakened and motivated.

I started my career some 25 years ago and have been lucky to have worked for 8 years as an assistant to Dr Richard Bandler, John La Valle, Paul McKenna and Michael Neill. From there I have gone on to author 3 books that provide my unique insight into understanding behavioral change and building successful teams.

Vicky Ross - Home Visit

I have also created a range of popular online courses and renowned retreat programmes, with complimentary books such as my hugely successful ‘Journal of Tranceformation’ and ‘In Search of There’, a book that provides the benefit of my pearls of wisdom from working with so many clients.

I have created an extensive series of hypnotic audio MP3’s, been a guest lecturer practitioner for Bournemouth University where I have co-developed and delivered a module of Introduction to Leadership and Management for social services. I am an Instructor of Hypnotherapy and a Licensed Neuro Linguistic Programming Trainer, and one of the few in the UK delivering a Business Practitioner license.  The stuff that I love most have to do with helping clients take ownership of their lives and creating changes.  I am a spiritual coach and I also work with the Akashic Records to help unblock barriers to change.

From my own experiences I understand the benefits of on-going personal and spiritual growth.  I was fortunate enough to have a childhood that involved a lot of travel, which combined with my thirst for knowledge, a curious mind and life circumstances brought me to the belief that there had to be more to life than the ‘daily struggle’, there had to be a bigger purpose!

My training and my 1-2-1 sessions are always full of passion and energy, with my enthusiasm for helping people understand themselves which shining through.

“There is no greater power to give someone than the power to be in control of themselves, and the freedom that comes from removing their limiting beliefs”


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